Kolbe Times Interview with Denis Grady OFS
Denis Grady is an award-winning country/gospel songwriter and performer who founded Franciscan and Friends Annual Mission Retreats. In 2005, the Roman Catholic Dioceses of Trinidad and Barbados invited Grady to the Caribbean, where he and a few friends staged a series of benefit concerts and ministry visits to prisons, drug and alcohol rehab facilities, orphanages, seniors’ homes, schools and impoverished neighbourhoods. Grady has organized similar mission retreats to the Caribbean and Central America each ensuing year through his organization ‘Franciscan and Friends’.
Kolbe Times recently interviewed Grady, who as a member of the Secular Franciscan Order has a strong affinity for the radical life and faith of St. Francis of Assisi.
Kolbe Times: Tell us about Franciscan and Friends’ most recent Mission Retreat.
Grady: Our 10th Mission was in February 2014 to the Dominican Republic. Last year I reconnected with my dear friend Dean Riley, a former Scarborough Foreign Missionary. He has been in the Dominican Republic for 22 years and is very connected to the poor. Dean generously arranged an amazing schedule for us to do music classes in the “bateys”, which are poor, isolated communities filled with migrant workers from Haiti and their families, who work in sugar cane fields for appalling wages. Through our friend Tim Berlando, Long & McQuade music stores donated 100 quality harmonicas. We set up a music program that we call “Harps for Angels”, to give harmonicas to children in the bateys. Long-time friend and musician Danny Agajanian from Colorado came with us and taught the classes. It was pure bliss seeing these beautiful children playing a song within 20 minutes. Thanks to the efforts of Mary McWilliams, the Banff Mineral Springs Hospital donated 25 boxes of medical supplies that we gave to clinics in Consuelo, and a Calgary baseball coach donated a case of baseballs and gloves. We also had a few folks with us on our team who are recovering alcoholics and addicts. They shared their testimony at the rehab centres and prisons that we visited.
Kolbe Times: Why do you do this? What drives you to keep going back every year?
Grady: We do this because the Gospel calls us to it, and because we fall in love with the people. Every trip, we experience conversion in a deep, powerful way. My wife Barbie coined the phrase Mission Retreat, which I think accurately describes the experience. We are living such excessively busy lives in North America and not responding to the call of the Sabbath. The poor teach us how to slow down.
Kolbe Times: What are some insights you’ve gained from reaching out and connecting with the poor on these trips?
Grady: God reveals Himself in so many ways. He allows us to see our selfishness, fear and self-centeredness – and nudges us to step out of the comfort and security of the boat to come and meet Him in the God-zone on the water. There have definitely been distinct moments where I have personally let go of some of my material and ego ambition. It just becomes clear. The beauty is that we realize this conversion is ongoing. It’s like we give God permission to go into our hearts and let Him clean house. Our part is simply cooperating. Amidst the poor and their situation we see their eyes, those amazing smiles and their solid faith. The reality check is that where there is poverty there is also crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, all kinds of social problems and horrible pain.
Kolbe Times: What are your future plans for Franciscan and Friends?
Grady: We have committed to visiting the Dominican Republic in January 2015. “Harps for Angels” has resonated with the locals, and we will likely bring 200 harmonicas next mission. From the beginning our teams have included an ecumenical mix of Christian denominations, including Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Baptists, plus other folks who are seeking a spiritual way of life but are having some struggles. We have wonderful stories of healing from many people who have joined us on our trips, and we always welcome new members who might be interested in a mission experience. Each trip has needs that require a wide variety of gifts and talents. The simple willingness to visit the sick and embrace the poor is the essential criteria.
For more information about joining or supporting Franciscan and Friends Mission Retreats, contact Denis Grady at 403-243-1049, by email at denis.grady@shaw.ca, or visit www.franciscanandfriends.ca
See more images from Franciscan and Friends’ Mission Retreats, and hear Denis Grady sing “Eyes of Love”: